Saturday, December 21, 2013

DVD Movie Review #33 Door in the Floor

Back yet again for another DVD review, this week we have Door in the Floor. I purchased a big bulk order of random DVDs at the rate of 200 for $100 and this is among those. I don't know if I would have gotten this otherwise but here goes.

This stars a famous lecherous children story writer who is trying to get through troubles he is having with his wife. He hires an assistant who precedes to have relations with his wife throughout the series. Throughout there is plenty of anxiety and torment leading to a fairly down ending.

I really felt that Jeff Bridges does an excellent job in these roles and the other characters are also very well acted. The Makeup and and music are very well done and you can tell that this is a fairly high quality film. I do feel that the story was well written with deep characters.

I don't feel this story it had a very hard time drawing me in with the cast of characters are not very easy to like with them all being very heavily flawed. When I can't latch onto the characters I have a hard time latching onto the story. I would get bored at times and my mind would wander off. In the end I don't really care for this one overall.

In the end this has good art but has a problems with the characters. If you like Jeff Bridges though this could still be a good film for you.

Rating:  5/10

The version I have of this is the regular DVD.

Used:     $3.74
New:      $5.74

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